In Person Worship
Join us at Bruen Chapel Sundays at 11 am! We can’t wait to meet you!
Virtual Worship Access
We also worship online Sundays at 11 am through our Facebook page and on Zoom (Meeting ID: 816 7607 9245 | Passcode: 661427). If you need help, please email [email protected] for tech support.
Life in Christian Community
Here are a few ways to take care of your spiritual, emotional, and physical health at home.
- Reach out! Pastor Betsy is available by phone, email, during office hours, or to meet with by appointment for any pastoral needs.
- Practice holiness at home: pray, read the Bible, and be kind to those on your quaranteam.
- Pass the peace by reaching out to friends via text message, email, letter, card, or call.
- Pray for those sick with coronavirus and all healthcare workers, janitors, and orderlies, medical researchers, grocery and delivery personnel, teachers, and other essential workers.
- Give your offering online. In addition to supporting our church, you can donate to Food for Others, a local partner serving those in need at this difficult time, UMCOR, and other ongoing missions.
- Listen to your favorite hymns and spiritual songs (YouTube has some wonderful choir arrangements like this rendition of Abide with Me).
- Still worshipping at home? Request a hymnal and a copy of the Faith We Sing, so you can sing along!
- Like our Facebook page for uplifting content and to connect to the life of the church.
- Enjoy some fresh air and exercise each day to calm your mind, body, and spirit.
If you have other ideas to add to the list or need any help, email [email protected], Facebook message us, or contact Pastor Betsy.