We’re in the swing of summer, but it is not too early to prepare students in need for success in the coming school year!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 22nd 11am and 3pm
The Sunday before Fairfax County heads back to school, we will be offering a special Blessing of the Backpacks. Note that there are two time options. Please plan to invite some students or teachers in your life, so we can send them into the school year with a special blessing.
Two ways to equip local students for success:

1) Money: Designate your Bruen Chapel offering for Wesley Housing’s school supply drive.
$35 buys school supplies for an elementary school student. $40 covers a middle schooler’s needs. We encourage you to make gifts in these increments if you are able.
2) Materials: Buy a backpack or other school supplies and bring to church for donation to a student in need!
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin