Today is Transfiguration Sunday when we remember Jesus conferring with Moses and Elijah on a mountaintop. Those guys were so full of God’s radiance that they literally glowed.

What about us? How can we as people today reflect Jesus’s light into a world filled with darkness and trouble? John 1:5 tells us that “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”

Unlike the disciples who witnessed God’s lights shining on the mountain from our skit today, we are instructed to tell about the light that we have seen. But what does that mean in practice? Share the love that you have felt in your own life with others. The outcast. The oppressed. The needy. The sick. Be there for people who need your help, even if you are just there as a quiet presence or a listening ear.

We hope you will find ways to be the light in this coming week and always.