Last week was Laity Sunday, and this coming Sunday we mark Reformation Sunday. Here is a special prayer for both of these days:

God, you are the maker and sustainer of all things, seen and unseen.

Allow us to see the people around us as your creation, infinitely loved by you.

You offer salvation as a gift of grace through Jesus’ death—opening salvation to all people for free, not as something to be bought or earned.

Give us the faith to live each day as believers who have accepted your gracious gift.

In his time on earth, Christ Jesus showed us a pattern for living justly, showing mercy to the broken, and walking humbly with you. 

Let us take steps to deepen our personal relationship with you to follow Christ’s lead. Grant us boldness in loving you and our neighbors, even–perhaps especially!–in this difficult year.

And when we see something wrong, unjust, or disjointed, make us instruments of your grace: help us to mend, reform, and repair with compassion to restore your peace on earth.  Amen.