If cleanliness is next to godliness, we have some work to do!

Eric Seiberling recently wrote a great article called “8 steps to declutter and make the best impression” about the importance of the church building itself being de-cluttered to better focus on the ministries of the church. He encourages congregations to look at their spaces with fresh eyes and remove the “stuff” that distracts from the real mission of the church.

As Bruen Chapel prepares for Pastor Ruth’s upcoming retirement and a new pastor, we want to make sure we heed Eric Seiberling’s advice. We will be holding a series of clean up days at church to get things organized and better optimized for mission.

Please mark your calendars for these dates!

February 9th, 9:30 am: Brigade Meeting (Focusing on 208)

March 9th, 9:30 am: Brigade Meeting to Tidy

March 23rd: Big Church Clean Up Day!