Every story has two basic elements: Characters and Perspective.  In various stories, these elements play greater and lesser roles.  Characters can be either main characters or supporting characters.  Often perspective can be used to create alternative plots to divert or enhance the reader’s attention.

In the story we are focused on during this holiday season, we have a unique situation.  Simply put, there are no greater or lesser characters or alternative perspectives.  The “Characters of Christmas” sermon series that starts this Sunday will examine how each perspective and each character is critical to the story of the birth of the Christ Child.  We will see how God uses even the most “minor” character to illustrate the central importance of the baby’s birth.

I invite you to share in the story because you are also a central character in God’s story of love’s incarnation and the redemption of God’s creation.

Starting this first Sunday of Advent, we will look at the different characters of Christmas and how each adds special meaning to the whole story.  We will examine each in order of appearance.

December 1 – The Angels

December 8 – The Shepherds

December 15 – Mary

December 22 – Joseph

December 24 (at a Candlelight Service at 7:30 P.M.) – The Child

January 5 – The Wise Men

On December 29, we will have a special service of “Stories and Song” looking at some of our favorite Christmas Carols and the stories of their creation.

All the Sunday morning services start at 11:00 AM.  Please join us for this special and festive season at Bruen Chapel.  See you in church.

God bless and Merry Christmas,

Dr. Donald R. Ferris-McCann